Doing good deeds not only affects those around you, but also improves your own emotional well-being. Try these random acts of kindness from Debbie Macomber , author of One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity . So how do we get in the habit of doing good deeds ? Habits need to be cultivated. When I decided I wanted to do a daily good deed, I found myself looking for simple things that would brighten someone’s day. The desire made me more intentional. I started looking for ways to show kindness. I’m not saying it comes easily. We’re all busy, distracted, and pulled in far too many directions. As with any habit , the more you practice, the more ingrained it will become. I second what John Wooden once said: “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” And each time we perform some small act of kindness, we’ll find ourselves rewarded by that rush of happiness and stress release. The very act offers its ow...
Think about what it would be like to spend most of your time alone because being around other people is just too difficult. You feel that others are judging you for your mental illness, and so you are scared to face the world. You withdraw to avoid this stigmatization. This social withdrawal is emotionally very costly. But this is a two-way street — the mentally ill withdraw from society–society withdraws from them. An Australian survey reported that two-thirds of people affected by a mental illness feel lonely “often” or “all of the time”. The research says in contrast, just 10 percent of the general population reported feelings of loneliness. (1) Social relationships are important for anyone in maintaining health, but for the mentally ill it is especially important. People with mental illness value contact with family. But families may be unwilling to interact with their mentally ill family member. Social isolation is also sometimes due to the unwillingness of others to b...
There are times or days where you think to yourself that "When will I be the person I want to be". Guess what? You don't have the answer to that right? - Wrong, you are the decider to that. Well I personally say what you need/want to happen to you for your personal success it's entirely up to you, yes that might sound like a cliché, however my point is that what you want out of life you can make it a possibility. Yes I'm not a millionaire to make myself better than everyone else. For example, when you determined that you want a candy from a store, you make it a point that you have necessary time and tools budgeted for that... Don't lose track here- I'm trying to make a point that when you put effort and time into it, you'll finally have what you want. The goal you aiming for might take longer than expect, yes there are challenges and stumbling blocks that will always disable you to get to it; hence it might take a while. Brothers and Sisters, when y...
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